Sunday, January 11, 2009

Two-Step effort for seize fire in Gaza

Although Gaza is passing the tenth days of fight, but there is not hope for an immediate seize fire. Western and Arabian countries in general and United States in particular have Consensus for collapsing of Hamas, because Hamas is one of the strategic allies of Iran in region.
US accused Hamas for firing missile into Israel and supports from Israel military operations on Gaza.
Iran and Syria as close allies of Hamas are not able to help for seize fire in Gaza because of their international and diplomatic seclusion.
Arab league that is too inactive organization can not play an active role because of the deep influence those Hamas’s opponent Arabian countries who wish that the Gaza conflict may knockout Hamas.
Hamas is a branch of Ikhwan Ul Muslimin and has close relation with the Egypt Government’s dangerous opposition party; therefore Egypt as a key player in Middle East has interest for weakness of Hamas and does not like for an immediate seize fire.
France president Sarkozi, played two- step diplomatic effort for seize fire and his efforts failed, because France like other western countries don’t have any relation with Hamas.
Western countries are talking for seize fire, without Iran and Syria who have good relation with Hamas and are able to convince Hamas for seize fire, therefore there is not hope for immediate seize fire in Gaza.


At January 11, 2009 at 10:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am agree with your view. there is no motivation for peace among arabian countries


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